Monthly Archives: January 2014

McDill Pond Plant Harvesting and Skimming maps

updated-harvest-map-122916 This is the updated revision completed by the Lake District and submitted to the Wisconsin DNR for use in 2017.  The harvesting map was updated to increase some areas on the southern half by the business 51 causeway, smooth out some corners for easier harvesting and connect one lane to another.  The skimming map will stay the same for 2017.  Skimming  is different than plant harvesting as it allows algae mats to be skimmed with the smaller harvester ONLY when the DNR is notified and approves 24 hours prior to skimming each time.  Please note the change in the cutting areas allowed vs previous years, as clear cutting is not allowed, and instead navigation channels will be cut.  Only 70% of the acreage of a waterbody may be harvested.