McDill Pond Spring 2024 Chemical Treatment Notice

The McDill Inland Lake and Rehabilitation District (the District) proposes to assess and manage up to 100 acres on McDill Pond to control the excessive growth of the exotic invasive aquatic plants Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM), its hybrid (HWM), and Curlyleaf Pondweed (CLP).

The District proposes to conduct applications of ProcellaCOR EC (florpyrauxifen-benzyl), Aquathol K (endothall), and/or Tribune (diquat) to be performed sometime between May and September, 2024 by TIGRIS Aquatic Services, LLC (TIGRIS), proceeding only after the District obtains a permit from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Notification of the exact dates of application(s) and water use restrictions associated with the use of ProcellaCOR EC will be provided by the posting of shoreline in and adjacent to treatment areas, and public access points.

There are no water use restrictions associated with use of ProcellaCOR EC, Aquathol K, and Tribune aside from an up to 5-day irrigation restriction. All other activities may go uninterrupted.

Additional details regarding the proposed management, including a copy of the permit application and the WDNR aquatic herbicide fact sheet on florpyrauxifen-benzyl, can be found at:

If you do not have a computer and would like a copy of the permit or map you can request one by writing McDill Lake District 3317 Della St Stevens Point WI 54481. Please include a self addressed stamped envelope for mailing.